Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekly Discont May 17th - 23rd

Hi all!

Monday has COME and we have renewed this week's discount items as follows;

Product Name: *VJ 039 Becky BOX 60L$
Creator: Vioku Jefferson
Price: 60L$ => 36L$

Product Name: Summer dress 4 colors
Creator: Azure Ling
Price: 100 L$ => 60L$

Product Name: Motor Hoverbike 01
Creator: tomomochi Ansar
Price: 80L$ => 48L$

This is a chance to get items in a profitable price!
If you find something you are interested in, just TP to our main store and take a look!

 *SOS-Nebula : TSUKIJI, TSUKIJI (134, 55, 22)